HAVE PASSION, WILL FEST — Get ready for the First ever Virtual and International MAGNOVITE 2021


Magnovite 2021 Fest — A Christ (Deemed to be University) Event

Ever heard of ‘revenge festing’? Of course not! ‘Cos we just coined it here! What is it, you ask? An outlet for all your lockdown and social distancing blues via festing.

Intrigued?? Read on …

Some have it nicer — they scale it down.. cut it to size. Hold on to the rules saying “maybe next year”.

And then there are the others... Who don’t stop, don’t waver in the eye of the storm.

And when we say Revenge festing — there’s no nice. There’s Innovation, there’s passion, there’s hunger for excellence and there’s zeal to make it happen!! NO MATTER WHAT.

And MAGNOVITE 2021 is all that and more.

Very few events garner as much attention as Magnovite, a techno-cultural fest organized collectively by the students in various Deaneries in the Kengeri Campus of CHRIST (Deemed to be University). In its 10th edition, MAGNOVITE 2021 is one of the MOST awaited college fests in the country.

What better way to let out some steam than competing in a prestigious fest that offers undergrad and postgrad students 5 Technical, 9 Management, 4 Architecture events, 4 Psychology, and 4 Cultural events?

Oh yes, we don’t just call everything a Revenge fest.. this one defies every rule when it comes to scale and magnitude!

Was the lockdown going to stop the event from happening? Pffft. Please, the organizers took it one up and made it an International Level Fest. What better way to commemorate a decade of successful events? The lockdown instead intensified the competitive spirit of the participants raising the bar even higher than the previous installments of the fest. The COVID-19 induced lockdown has undoubtedly transformed the business, political, cultural, social, and economic landscape globally.

The good news is that it has also given people a lot to think about, ‘Uncertainty’ and ‘Volatility’ forcing students and professionals alike to rethink their paradigms and come up with new/innovative ways to tackle unseen/unheard of problems.

Coming back to the concept of ‘revenge festing’, what better way to channelize competitive and innovative energies than a platform where you could most probably meet a future founder of a Unicorn Company?

But why restrict oneself to entrepreneurship? Fancy photography? They have that event too! Capture dimensions and minds, tell stories through static pictures conveying the many layers; You and your DSLR, with the power to transform perspective, leaving viewers absolutely awestruck, stroking their chins, telling themselves, “Hey! I never saw it that way!”

If you think this is an event you want to be a part of, what are you waiting for? Here’s the link to register, you’re welcome :)

But wait, there is more. With an endorsement from celebrities like Nisha Hegde, a celebrated actress in the Tamil and Kannada film industries, Nikhil Raj a renowned magician/illusionist, and Padma Shankar a Violin Maestro, to name a few, it attests to the caliber and renown of Magnovite. And Magnovite 2021, promises to be bigger, better, and awesomer.

Last year the fest had over 600 participants from 60 plus colleges! This year doesn’t seem to be any different, in fact, the number seems to have trebled. What’s more, more than half the events in this year’s edition of Magnovite are brand new!

This year’s Magnovite is also special because the Psychology Department is the new kid on the block, and we wish this debutant the best! We’re sure they’ll knock it out of the park.

The Magnovite Organising Committee have spent countless sleepless nights, mulling over every possible detail and racking their brains to come up with protocols for every worst-case scenario possible.

Organizing an event of this magnitude was by no means an easy feat, the biggest challenge they had to overcome was coordination among themselves, since most of them sit in different cities now, making the whole communication process slower. But that didn’t dampen their spirits, to solve the issue, they worked twice as hard and adhered to a very carefully crafted schedule, following it to a T.

Reaching out to colleges/student bodies, instead of physically going to meet them was also proving to be cumbersome for the Publicity Team. But was that an issue? Absolutely not, it was an opportunity to network, phone calls, emails, social media posts, and word of mouth, no effort was spared to spread the word about the event.

Their tenacity and endurance are nothing short of a remarkable and inspiring story, added to the history books of Festing. Lockdown? What’s that? We have a fest to organize!

Their immaculate preparations for the days of the event, to ensure smooth functioning and a hassle-free experience for the participants, renew our faith as proud partners of Magnovite.

Our interaction with the organizers revealed two things: They are running it like a large business marching through the pandemic — following every rule, ensuring the health and safety of all their constituents, and yet delivering quality every single day. Rest Assured, you’re in good hands.

But Heyy, don’t take our word for it, visit their site and social handles to check it out for yourself. You’ll be amazed at what we representatives of the Young and Restless New India are capable of!

Catch you at the fest !! Cos we are definitely going revenge festing!



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