As Hassani Dotson proposes on the pitch…


Here are The World’s Top 10 Most Romantic Celebrity Proposals Ever!

Hassani Dotson proposes to his Girlfriend on the Football Field

We usually enjoy hearing about celebrities we admire, from their personal lives to their professional careers. We want to know everything there is to know about our favourite celebrities, including their struggles, successes, failures, and how they deal with them, and of course.. their marriages!! So, just as celebrity lives are considered to be larger than life…Shouldn’t their marriages be the same?

Every marriage begins with a proposal — where the guy tells the gal of his dreams that he wants to love her and covet her for the rest of his live! And sometimes when you witness a live proposal — that’s just the best thing to happen to mush-lovers like us!!

Yes, we are talking about the epic proposal of American footballer Hassani Dotson! That aww-inpsiring moment when the footballer went down on one knee to propose to his long-time girlfriend Petra Vuckovic was one un-for-gett-able time in history. His team Minnesota United FC had just drawn a 2–2 in a Major League Soccer (MLS) match and Dotson thought what better timing than this to let the love of his life know — that he loves her enough to put a ring on it! And he did. And guess what, with a proposal like that, no girl could EVER say no.

But would it surprise you to know that Dotson isn’t the only celebrity star to have gone that extra mile to make his lady-love feel precious with a momentous proposal? Oh yeah!! Men go crazy too. Brace yourselves for here are 10 classic examples of how famous celebrities went from super-poised to love-sick puppy on their proposal night.

Will Claye and Queen Harrison

Will Claye proposed to his girlfriend Queen Harrison (Source: The Washington Post)

If you’re an athlete, there’s no better place to propose to your sweetheart than at the Olympics. Will Claye, a two-time Olympic triple jump silver winner, and his long term girlfriend, Team USA hurdler Queen Harrison, recognised this and used it as a platform for their future marriage.

Will went into the stands after earning silver in the triple jump at the Olympic Games in Rio, Brazil, and proposed to Queen. In front of friends, family, and cheering supporters, she enthusiastically accepted his proposal. Needless to say, the duo broke the internet with their live proposal and the fans were left gasping for more!

Eduard Bello’s Epic Proposal to Gabriela Brito

Eduard Bello proposes to her girlfriend in the middle of a match (Source: The18)

There are other crazies like our dear Dotson — In 2018, Eduard Bello did something similarly heart-stopping — he proposed to his girlfriend Gabriela Brito just like Dotson — BUT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GAME!

The Venezuelan striker proposed to his girlfriend in the middle of a Chilean league match between Antofagasta and Everton, as he scored Antofagasta’s first goal after only two minutes.He ran straight into the stands, kissed his girlfriend and got down on one knee to place a dainty ring on her finger. Ofcourse as the moment united fans on both sides, Bello ran back to the field and finished the job at hand.

Pink Hart and Carey Hart

Pink Hart’s proposal to Carey Hart (Source: PopSugar)

Imagine you are in the middle of a motorcycle race, and your girl steps right in front of you with a board that reads — “Will You Marry Me? Serious!” Stuff of dreams, guys? Well then that’s Pink Hart for you.

Pink made the ultimate bold move four years after she started dating Carey in 2005. During Carey’s race at the Pro 250 class finals in Mammoth, Pink was assisting him and as Carey entered his third lap, the singer stepped out in front of him, holding up a pit board that read out her proposal in bold words. Not just that, she also added “Serious!” when he failed to pull over. Carey, as you might expect, finally got off his bike and said “yes.” Six months later, the crazy couple got married in Costa Rica.

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian

Kanye proposed to Kim at AT&T Park (Source: CNN)

With a proposal that epic, you seldom think things would ever go sour. But when Kanye West proposed to his girl Kim Kardashian, he had great plans. He took her to AT&T Park, the home of the San Francisco Giants- filled the almost-empty arena with friends and a 50-piece orchestra.

The Jumbotron screamt Kanye’s Proposal to Kim

And made the jumbotron scoreboard screamed, “Pleeease Marry Meee!!” The musicians performed an adaptation of Lana Del Rey’s Young and Beautiful while the Kardashian kept up with the newest occurrence in her fabulous life!

Twinkle Khanna & Akshay Kumar

Mr. & Mrs. Khiladi Kumar aren’t any less adventurous (Source:

Circling back home, the Desi Boys aren’t so bad either. Mrs. FunnyBones Twinkle Khanna and the official Khiladi of Bollywood, Akshay Kumar have an interesting tale to tell when it comes to getting hitched.

While shooting for International Khiladi in 1999, Twinkle and Akshay had not just come close — but also realized that they had fallen in love. Akki took the leap forward and proposed to his enchantress — only to hear a NO from her. Twinkle had decided to give her acting career some more time before she settled down. And you know what she bet her ‘Yes’ to Akshay on? Mela!

She announced that if the film does not succeed at the box-office, she will marry Akshay.

And the rest as you know… is history!!

Michelle & Barack Obama

Barack Obama and Michelle Obama (

The way he looks at her…

As if her smile is the only thing that could possibly matter

- Butterflies Rising

Ever seen a politician in love? The former incumbents of the White House (Ahem.. the one before the Trumps we mean) were the classic example of a Power Couple that was madly in love. Barack and Michelle Obama’s love story defied most stereotypes we have around political love stories and well-planted PR stunts.

As Michelle reveals in her book, one particular date night at a restaurant in Chicago in 1991 — A waiter comes around with a dessert plate covered with a silver lid. He deliberately slips it into Michelle’s lap and lifts the cover. Obviously she was too angry to look down, but when she did, she noticed a dark velvet box in place of a chocolate cake.

Little did she know then, that the man going down on one knee to propose to her was dreaming of making her the Future First Lady of the United States of America!

Prince Harry & Meghan Markle

Royal Proposals — Prince Harry & Meghan Markle with Queen Elizabeth II (Source:

Remember those love stories we used to read when we were young? A beautiful Princess is stuck in a castle and a handsome Prince Charming rides over on a horse, rescues her and they live happily ever after!

Now nothing so USUAL is happening in this Royal Proposal. Two simple people meet through a mutual friend and fall in love. One November night, he proposes to her over a home-cooked meal. And she says, Yes. Believe us, such was the simplicity in the proposal of Prince Harry to his sweetheart — Meghan Markle.

Uh yeah, one difference that makes him a little prince-like: The ring was encrusted with a Botswana-sourced stone in the centre. But that’s still simple. Come on.

Aaron Paul and Lauren Parsekian

Aaron Paul and Lauren Parsekian (Source:GoodToKnow)

“You either run from things, or you face them.”

When Jesse Pinkman said those words, he was Just. Not. Kidding. The Breaking Bad star Aaron Paul and his then-girlfriend-now-wife Lauren Parsekian, have a sweet proposal story to tell. And its all centered around the world’s most iconic symbol of love — you guessed it, The Eiffel Tower.

On a New Year’s trip to Paris, Aaron went down on a knee at the Eiffel Tower seducing his lover Lauren into marrying him. But ofcourse she agreed only when he promised the wedding would be themed Parisian Style!!

Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith

Will Smith & his wife Jada Pinkett Smith (Source: Harper’s Bazaar)

A man who was gettin’ others Hitched, would surely be gettin’ his done in style — Right? Wrong! Wait till you hear this — When I Am Legend Star Will Smith proposed to his girl Jada, you know what he said? ‘Wassup? You wanna marry me?’ Will famously recollected that he was lying in bed about to fall asleep when he turned to Jada and said, “We might be real good married”. Jada said yes and here we are — 24 years on! Still married and strong.

So all the women out there waiting for a fancy proposal — take a cue from Will and Jada’s book. The real cool ones do it with easy style.

Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan

Mr. & Mrs. Nawab of Pataudi — Kareena and Saif Ali Khan (Source: Vogue India)

Whatever the Pataudis do, they do it in style. They don’t hide their love like their UK counterparts. They flaunt it ‘cos they’ve got it — and why shouldn’t they?! After all, they are one of the best looking-couples in B-town.

When Kareena made her first public appearance with Saif in 2008, right after her breakup with Shahid, heads turned and gossip mills went into a tizzy. The Nawab of Pataudi too chose the City of Love, Paris to propose to his lady love. His dad Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi has proposed to his mom Sharmila there too. Family tradition, you see.

But Bebo wouldn’t make it so easy — when he first proposed to her at a bar — she refused. Then he proposed to her at a church — she refused again. It was only after two arduous days, did she finally agree to become Mrs. Kareena Kapoor Khan.

From dramatic and enthusiastic to laidback and cool, celebrity proposals are a whole lot like us. Who doesn’t get the jitters, when the moment you have been carefully planning and preparing for, finally comes to life? It could be a Dotson proposing in the middle of a football field to his girlfriend and it could also be a Will asking his lady love — Wassup, You wanna Marry me? Memorable for sure, all of these. Giving the guys some serious relationship goals in life.

But the thumb rule remains, if your heart says this is the right time — Go for it!

Who knows — she might just say…. Yes!

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