4 Steps towards Acceptance
“The hardest part of the journey is about taking the first step”
“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” — Laozi
It is possible that you register these words in your mind when you are facing a difficult situation, but have you had the chance to “live” them? Have you been able to use them to accept the current economic downturn and overcome the challenges it has brought with it?
Maybe your job is at risk, or you are planning to give it up to start out on a new venture or you plan to give up the existing one due to consistent losses. Whatever your situation, however bad it has been, challenges come with an opportunity to grow.
We began a series on Mental Awareness & Well-being last month on World Mental Health Day 2020. The endeavour was to try and bridge the gap between the openness of seeking help for one’s physical ailments versus for our mental discomfort.
Continuing the series onto its Second Part, this month we focus on a critical aspect of healing oneself and moving forward — Acceptance.
Acclaimed Life and Career Transitions Coach Anita Sachdev writes about acceptance and adaptability. What is happening to you is happening to most of those around you; that you need to pivot yourself to keep functioning without allowing this crisis to get the better of you.
Obstacles on the path of Acceptance (
A — Accepting the experience sensitively (How?)
B — Being aware of the impact (How?)
Let today be the final day when darkness and despair ever cloud your mind and thoughts. Read the full Editorial here..